Our First Christian Church Community
2025 Stewardship Campaign
Dear First Christian Church family and friends, October 25, 2024
I have not been a member here long, and yet I feel a deep kinship with our congregation, through the many authentic expressions of Christian love and grace that I have witnessed. Today, I write you as Treasurer of our congregation, with a deep appreciation for all that has come before, as well as bright hopes for the possibilities for this church.
What an exciting time it is, in the life of First Christian Church of Colorado Springs! With our pending sale, of our historic property on E. Platte and Cascade, we are faced with breathtaking opportunities, along with a clarion call to faithfulness throughout this difficult time of transition. The decision to sell this property, was motivated by the realization that this property no longer fit with the ministries nor capacity of the congregation.
However, while we still have a great deal of work to do, to right-size our expenses with our income, we are in a great position to move into the truest expression of Christ we can manage. We have resources to help set us up for success, however, we need you!
Church is the culmination of the gifts offered: “When two or more gather in [Jesus’] name” (Matt. 18:20 NIV) So we need you: your presence; your voice; your perspective; your gifts; and your help; to be the fullest expression of God’s love that we are able to be.
Jesus commands: “‘”Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[d] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’”(Matt. 22:37-40 NIV)
Our Regional Minister, Rev. Dale Matherly, defined love in this way: “love is the action of seeking another’s (and others’) spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual wellbeing.” As Christians, we are called to love. It is the responsibility that God calls us into, as stewards, from the dawn of creation. (Gen. 2;15 NIV)
The church, as a reflection of God’s intended order for humanity, must reflect our best combined efforts at working for the wellbeing of all. Can you offer us some insight into what gifts you might be willing and able to offer our congregation for the year to come? Enclosed, you should have received an Estimate of Giving Card, which we hope you will return to us.
We will be celebrating Pledge Sunday, on Nov. 24th, with a bread and soup lunch provided after worship. I will be offering a Stewardship Study, throughout Nov, (Sunday mornings at 9am) based on Henri J. M. Nouwen’s book, “A Spirituality of Fundraising,” with an intro/overview class on Oct. 27th.
We all have a multitude of gifts, and we hope you will be willing to show up with your gifts, as we gather together to be the best expression of church we can: in Colorado Springs, today and in all our days to come!
With you in Christ,
Rev. Steve Sherman (he/him)
First Christian Church