Children at First Christian Church
Our goal for children is to help them know, without any doubt that God loves them. We also seek to help children build positive relationships with each other and with adults who can nurture a healthy faith that will grow throughout their lives. If you have questions about our Children's programs, you may contact our office.
Children in Worship
All children are welcome to remain with their parents or caregivers during worship services. We believe it is vital for children and adults to share worship together, so children will understand and want to be in worship when they are older. Other worshipers at FCC will be thrilled to see children participating and engaged in worshiping God!
Children's Worship Space
Our Children's Worship Space is located in the parlor across from the sanctuary. This space is designed to help families with young children (6 and under) experience worship. Our 10:15 A.M. service is broadcast each week via Facebook Live as an option for families to view while in the Children's Worship Space.
Sunday School
Children's Sunday school (K-5th grade) is held during our worship service. Kids will begin worship with their parents. After the Children's Moment, they will be invited to join our teachers Evelyn and Bob Ford, as we have partnered with the Thinkering Lab to offer Christian formation for our children! This ministry is located on the second floor of our Christian Education wing in room 204.
Nursery and child care are provided from 8:30-11:45 A.M. for infants and children through age 5. Children in the nursery receive excellent care and have an age-appropriate curriculum of color, music, and play that teaches them about God’s great love for them.
First Christian Church