2020 Sermons
August 23, 2020
"Knowing What's Fake and Rejecting Hate"
1 John 2:7-11
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"Knowing What's Fake and Rejecting Hate"
1 John 2:7-11
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
August 16,2020
Joshua 1:1-9, 1 Corinthians 16:13
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Joshua 1:1-9, 1 Corinthians 16:13
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
August 9, 2020
"Disciples as Smart Risk Takers"
Matthew 25:14-30
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"Disciples as Smart Risk Takers"
Matthew 25:14-30
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
August 2, 2020
“Community of Words”
Romans 12:1-21
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
“Community of Words”
Romans 12:1-21
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
July 26, 2020
Entire Worship Service
"From Stones to Cornerstones"
Ephesians 2:19-22 & Genesis 1:27
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Entire Worship Service
"From Stones to Cornerstones"
Ephesians 2:19-22 & Genesis 1:27
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
July 19, 2020
Entire Worship Service
"Abigail:God's stop sign"
1 Samuel 25: 1-19; [20-44]
Pastor of Spiritual Care, Lynn Smith
Entire Worship Service
"Abigail:God's stop sign"
1 Samuel 25: 1-19; [20-44]
Pastor of Spiritual Care, Lynn Smith
July 12, 2020
Entire Worship Service
“Forgiveness & Redemption: Making the Best of the Worst"
Genesis 50:15 – 21
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Entire Worship Service
“Forgiveness & Redemption: Making the Best of the Worst"
Genesis 50:15 – 21
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
July 5, 2020
Entire Worship Service
"Jawbones and Dog Vomit", based on Judges 15:1-17 & Proverbs 26:11-12
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Entire Worship Service
"Jawbones and Dog Vomit", based on Judges 15:1-17 & Proverbs 26:11-12
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
June 28, 2020
Entire Worship Service "Send It Away" , based on Luke 11:1-4 Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor |
June 21, 2020
Entire Worship Service
"Be Faithful to Each Other", based on Malachi 2:10
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Entire Worship Service
"Be Faithful to Each Other", based on Malachi 2:10
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
June 14, 2020
Entire Worship Service
“What Must We Do Before We Worship God?”, based on Matthew 5: 23-24
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Entire Worship Service
“What Must We Do Before We Worship God?”, based on Matthew 5: 23-24
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
June 7, 2020
Entire Worship Service
"The Weight of It All," based on Psalm 32: 1-5
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Entire Worship Service
"The Weight of It All," based on Psalm 32: 1-5
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
May 31, 2020
Entire Worship Service
"God Takes Up Residence," based on Acts 2:1-4 and 1 Corinthians 12:1-13
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Entire Worship Service
"God Takes Up Residence," based on Acts 2:1-4 and 1 Corinthians 12:1-13
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
May 24, 2020
Entire Worship Service
"Don't Put a Period Where God Puts a Comma," based on 1 Corinthians 15: 1-2, 12-26, 51-58
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Entire Worship Service
"Don't Put a Period Where God Puts a Comma," based on 1 Corinthians 15: 1-2, 12-26, 51-58
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
May 17, 2020
Entire Worship Service
"Sometimes Love Looks Like This," based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Entire Worship Service
"Sometimes Love Looks Like This," based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
May 10, 2020
Entire Worship Service
"This is Us," based on Acts 18:1-4 and 1 Corinthians 1:10-18
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Entire Worship Service
"This is Us," based on Acts 18:1-4 and 1 Corinthians 1:10-18
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
May 3, 2020
Entire Worship Service
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Entire Worship Service
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
April 26, 2020
Entire Worship Service
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Entire Worship Service
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
April 19, 2020
Worship Service
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Worship Service
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
April 12, 2020
Easter Sunday Service
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Easter Sunday Service
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
April 5, 2020
Palm Sunday Entire Service
"Walk This Way to Redemption"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
Palm Sunday Entire Service
"Walk This Way to Redemption"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
March 29, 2020
"The Unpopular, But Authentic Understanding of the Apocalypse - The Difficult Nature of Change"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"The Unpopular, But Authentic Understanding of the Apocalypse - The Difficult Nature of Change"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
March 22, 2020
During our COVID-19 Closure, we are offering our entire service of worship here.
You may find the scripture and sermon beginning at 20:28.
"Trying to Love THAT Neighbor"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
During our COVID-19 Closure, we are offering our entire service of worship here.
You may find the scripture and sermon beginning at 20:28.
"Trying to Love THAT Neighbor"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
March 15, 2020
"When Jesus Throws Implications Alongside Us"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"When Jesus Throws Implications Alongside Us"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
March 8, 2020
"Fighting Over the Best Seat"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"Fighting Over the Best Seat"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
March 1, 2020
"Crying for a Totally Different Reason"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"Crying for a Totally Different Reason"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
February 23, 2020
"A Second Touch"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"A Second Touch"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
February 16, 2020
"It's What Is On the Outside That Counts"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"It's What Is On the Outside That Counts"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
February 9, 2020
"A Visit with Simon Peter"
Jonathan Hall. Senior Pastor
"A Visit with Simon Peter"
Jonathan Hall. Senior Pastor
February 2, 2020
"Leaky Savior"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"Leaky Savior"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
January 26, 2020
"What Have You To Do With Me?"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"What Have You To Do With Me?"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
January 19, 2020
"Are You Sowing Seeds, or Excuses?"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"Are You Sowing Seeds, or Excuses?"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
January 12, 2020
"Carrying, Digging, Sitting and Walking: How Will You Be in 2020?"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"Carrying, Digging, Sitting and Walking: How Will You Be in 2020?"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
January 5, 2020
"Will You Choose to Reach Out?"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor
"Will You Choose to Reach Out?"
Jonathan Hall, Senior Pastor